Graduation ceremony after a successful training

FRICKE Landmaschinen takes on all five apprentices

A graduation ceremony was held following the successful completion of the agricultural machinery mechatronics technician training. Five apprentices from FRICKE Landmaschinen GmbH received their certificates on 27th January. Three of the apprentices completed their training at the main branch in Heeslingen, the other two at the Harsefeld site. All five are being taken on by FRICKE Landmaschinen GmbH, where they will continue to use what they have learned in the workshop.

Heeslingen, 30th January 2023 – After three and a half years of training, the time had come. The newly qualified agricultural machinery mechatronics technicians received their apprenticeship certificates as part of their graduation ceremony at Schützenhof Ahlerstedt. They celebrated the successful completion of their training together with their families, the two technicians from the Heeslingen and Harsefeld sites, and the FRICKE Landmaschinen management team. Two of the graduates had another reason to be happy after passing their training with distinction. For all five, this is just the start of their careers following the apprenticeship at FRICKE Landmaschinen GmbH. “We are proud that our apprentices have completed their training so successfully,” said Heinz Gartelmann, Managing Director of FRICKE Landmaschinen GmbH. “Of course, we are even more pleased that all five will continue to strengthen our workshop teams as qualified employees going forward.”

Apprenticeships start in August: places still available at FRICKE Landmaschinen

Anyone interested in training as an agricultural machinery mechatronics technician can still apply. FRICKE Landmaschinen is still offering places at the Heeslingen, Bockel, Lamstedt, Sulingen and Soltau sites for training starting in August 2023. All the relevant information about the training course, the requirements and career prospects after completion, as well as online applications can be found at

FRICKE Group offers high-quality apprenticeships

The FRICKE Group has attached particular importance to apprenticeships ever since it was founded. The company offers its apprentices and dual students modern and versatile vocational training. Apprentices will benefit from inter-company training courses, seminars at CLAAS, changes of department and insights into other company divisions. There are different events every year, such as barbecue evenings with the management team and trips to partner companies and trade fairs. The company is proud to offer an exciting apprenticeship that provides the best possible preparation for professional life, and helps to broaden participants’ horizons.

Apprenticeship Info Day 2023 in Heeslingen

Interested students will receive detailed information about the range of apprenticeships offered by the FRICKE Group at this year's Apprenticeship Info Day. In addition to representatives from the various specialist departments, apprentices and dual students will also give an insight into everyday life at the FRICKE Group. Furthermore, those interested will receive valuable application tips and a deeper insight into the family business. The event will take place on 22nd September 2023 at the FRICKE Group site in Heeslingen.
